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[英文]Sky Sailing (天外奇航) 【夢想飛行器 (An Airplane Carried Me To Bed) 】 關閉[複製鏈接]

pinkfeoff 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-8-22 03:45 PM|只看該作者|正序瀏覽
【專輯名稱】夢想飛行器 (An Airplane Carried Me To Bed)
【歌手名稱】Sky Sailing (天外奇航)
【專輯介紹】「在Owl City誕生之前,存在著另一個名為‘Sky Sailing’的音樂計劃,這些錄音作品更進一步探索我的過往,它們記錄了一個來自明尼蘇達的害羞男孩以希望與夢想面對未來的經歷,我很高興能夠跟大家分享這些過往的創作點滴。」…Owl City的創作核心人物Adam Young

在以Owl City之名所發行的單曲"Fireflies"拿下全球22個國家的排行冠軍,締造600萬張銷售之前,Adam Young只是一個普通的藍領工人,他每天工作回家的第一件事,不是吃飯,也不是沖澡,而是趕緊跑到地下室的電腦前,把開車送貨過程中所浮現的旋律儲存起來,當時,他是用Sky Sailing這個代號來發表自己的創作,如今,隨著"Fireflies"風靡全球,Adam Young以Sky Sailing之名所錄製的歌曲集結成專輯【An Airplane Carried Me To Bed】登場,樂迷將可以聽見風格更為簡單,歌詞更顯純真,想像力更加海闊天空的流行音樂創作。

【An Airplane Carried Me To Bed】專輯裡頭的歌曲是Adam Young在2007年間所錄製的作品,每首作品投射了他初次動手寫歌的奇妙感受與興奮之情。當時,他在一家金屬工廠工作,上的是早上6點到下午4點的班表,每天晚上都是窩在地下室的創作基地,藉由孵夢與創作音樂暫時跳脫現實世界;不斷想像音樂的曲調,隨手寫下每一段想到的旋律與歌詞,他的創作工具包括一台老舊的Dell電腦,Reason 2.5的音樂製作軟體,以及向朋友借的Behringer C-1麥克風與Behringer八軌類比混音器材,還有叔叔交接給他的Alvarez品牌的電木吉他。Adam當時對自己的創作歌手生涯還摸不著任何頭緒,只是抱持著對音樂的夢想,就卯起來寫歌,創作的素材完全不設限。

儘管已經以Owl City之名走紅樂壇,Adam始終無法忘卻自己與音樂創作的甜蜜初戀,更沒想過自己做著歌手白日夢的時候所寫下的歌曲會集結成【An Airplane Carried Me To Bed】這張專輯發行,他說:「當你聽這張專輯的時候,你會聽見一個懷抱著音樂夢想的思想家充滿天真無邪與驚奇想像的一面,專輯裡頭清淡與深沉,樂觀與憂鬱的風格並存,我覺得能夠有這個機會與你們分享這些歌曲,真是無比的榮耀。」隨著曲調輕快的"Captains Of The Sky",深情呼喚的"Brielle",逍遙自在的"Take Me Somewhere Nice",一首又一首迷人的歌曲響起,讓每顆懷抱夢想的心隨著Adam Young的歌聲開始飛行。
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:19 PM|只看該作者
11.Sailboats (小帆船)
作曲:Adam Young   
Sailboats wish that they were stars  
Floating softly in the sky  
Among our dreams that bid goodbye  
Moving through transparent space  
Drifting through the stratosphere  
And onward 'till they disappear  
These continents, from overhead  
Look like tiny paper shapes  
Intricately set in place  
Below the misty mountain clouds  
There's a lovely silver bay  
Where sunset sailors often hide away  
Scooba diver in the lock  
Speedboat driver in the dock  
Sailplane pilot in the blue, take me up there with you  
The world looks brighter from this high altitude  
I was walking through the trees  
(Sailboats wish that they were stars)  
And I was swimming through the sees  
('Cause they don't know who they are)  
I was falling through the air  
When it hit me right there  
My eyes are tired  
I don't even care  
An airplane carred me to bed  
Where I slept above the coast  
and dreamt I had become a ghost  
I sail above the frozen peaks  
Deep in cold cathedral caves  
Across the hills and far beyond the waves  
Take the car on the run  
Fly the jet to the sun  
And bring the spacecraft in soon  
While I play chess with the moon  
I feel like sleeping through this cold afternoon  
Once in 1964  
(Sailboats wish that they were stars)  
An actress ran on the shore  
('Cause they don't know who they are)  
And though you'll never return  
I love you, Audrey Hepburn  
Sometimes I can see your face in the crowd  
There are sailboats throughout this brilliant sky  
But you cannot pick them out if you can't fly  
I'm glad the Earth doesn't care If I go up there  
If you want to, just ask me and I'll take you along  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:19 PM|只看該作者
10.Take Me Somewhere Nice (帶我去遠方)
作曲:Adam Young   
Take me somewhere nice  
To some tired island in your heart called paradise  
Though we wander home, we both feel alone  
Like escapees with nowhere to go  
I can think of a thousand ways  
To get good and lost beyond these hopeless days  
Where we'll rendezvous out of the blue  
And take a deep breath, just we two  
And we'll be so far gone, the oars will row on  
And we will happily wave so long  
If we hook a dream, and it doze us back down this open stream  
We'll say hello  
Take us wherever you go  
Take me somewhere deep  
Cause I'm quite exhausted and I need to sleep  
Or climb the great divide or wake up beside myself  
Just to know I'm alive  
Every weight around pays me a visit and drags my eyelids down  
They sting my growing pains, iced in the veins of a guy  
Who's not ready to die  
If I may be so bold, I'll weather the cold  
'Cause I'm not afraid to grow old  
If we hook a dream, and it doze us back down this open stream  
We'll say hello  
Take us wherever you go  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:18 PM|只看該作者
9.I Live Alone (我一個人住)
作曲:Adam Young   
I was 22, alone with nothing to do and I couldn't sleep  
Cause all those cold days returned with their old ways of causing  
New apathy  
I live alone, I live alone  
She was 21, wishing she lived by the sun, the sand and the sea  
So I suggested she'd move out fast and not be the last  
To leave and be free  
I live alone, I live alone  
I live alone, I live alone  
Sweet summer day  
I'm so afraid  
So take me away  
We were 17, longing to live in between  
The earth and the stars  
So I suggested we'd grow up fast and not be the last  
And look where we are  
With no connection I saw your reflection at home  
In my bedroom mirror  
And I felt young again when I saw what we could've been  
In all of those years  
I live alone, I live alone  
I live alone, I live alone  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:17 PM|只看該作者
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8.Alaska (阿拉斯加)
作曲:Adam Young   
I was on the road despite the holiday  
Winter green daydreams softly collided  
And took all my headaches away  
When did I arrive?  
I don't recall ever leaving Alaska  
Why do I hate the dark when I'm alone?  
I was on my way to a brighter day  
I'm still chasing around  
But somehow I believe that this is home  
It's so good to be home  
I was on the ground  
When I recalled the day  
That my discompsure left me forever  
And swept all my troubles away  
When did I arrive?  
I don't recall ever leaving Alaska  
Why do I hate the dark when I'm alone?  
I was on my way to a brighter day  
I'm still chasing around  
But somehow I believe that this is home  
It's so good to be home  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:16 PM|只看該作者
7.Blue And Red (藍與紅)
作曲:Adam Young   
Oh, satelite above  
(Where are you?)  
So many things I have to tell you of  
(Please come back soon)  
You went through an open door  
Or a hole in the floor  
You vanished and I can't see you anymore  
Dreams never die when we sleep  
Beneath the open sky in the deep  
Shades overhead of blue and red  
Is this the end?  
Will you come back again?  
I searched beyond the clouds  
(Are you there?)  
And I walked sadly onward through the crowds  
(Alone somewhere?)  
And I saw beyond the blur  
To right where you were  
And I beheld a sight so pure  
Dreams never die when we sleep  
Beneath the open sky in the deep  
Shades overhead of blue and red  
Is this the end?  
Will you come back again?  
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pinkfeoff 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-8-22 04:16 PM|只看該作者
6.Tennis Elbow (網球肘)
作曲:Adam Young   
Cell phones and travel stations  
Ringtones and new relations  
Say hello to all your friends for me  
Several calls are made to Thailand  
Wound up in Prince Edward Island  
And my head feels like it's ready to blow  
I served and scratched a rainbow  
So curved, I felt the pain go  
Through my joints  
And now I don't wanna play  
Swinging down, I sent the birdie  
Downtown, at 7:30  
And I'm convinced that I've got tennis elbow  
We are lost in the sound  
Close your eyes  
And I will twirl you around  
We are lost in the sound  
Close your eyes  
And I will twirl you around  
We are lost in the sound  
Close your eyes  
And I will twirl you around  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:14 PM|只看該作者
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5.A Little Opera Goes A Long Way (唱不停的歌劇)
作曲:Adam Young   
I'll save you  
An echo from the home  
And I'll paint you  
A dreamscape on your bedroom wall  
Pretend you're not alone  
Like you are center stage on Broadway  
'Cause when you're on your own  
A little opera goes a long way  
I'll meet you  
Where the page proclaims the end  
And I'll make do  
With the fractions my reactions bend  
Pretend you're not alone  
Like you are center stage on Broadway  
'Cause when you're on your own  
A little opera goes a long way  
I'll capsize this highrise  
And weld a cable-car  
Then I'll drive down to some southwestern town  
And end up where you are  
Pretend you're not alone  
Like you are center stage on Broadway  
'Cause when you're on your own  
A little opera goes a long way  
I'll reset your silhouette  
And be your parasol  
So hold on to your fluorescent view  
And if you slip and fall  
I will catch you  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:14 PM|只看該作者
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4.Explorers (探險家)
作曲:Adam Young   
This old mountainside where we used to reside  
Is slowly recalling the things we discovered inside  
Oh, the crystal caves  
We shed both our jackets and I hammered brackets  
From old metal chairs to the walls for a crude set of stairs  
To lead us down  
And you tied a rope to the steepening slope  
A jerry-rigged harness so we could descend in the dark  
But the tide came in  
And we found ourselves in the sea,  
Deep underwater we both found that we could still breathe  
So we spent the day submerged  
And we swam the evening away  
The water was clear like the pure atmosphere  
As we kicked and fluttered through caverns all cluttered with age  
In the afterglow  
We swam hand in hand over white satin sand  
And you left a ribbon to honor the pale gibbon moon  
But that was years ago...  
And we never came up for air down there  
We can go anywhere  
The old world was dying while we took off flying  
Like peregrine falcons beneath the transparent blue waves  
Far below the surf  
And we spent the hours with submarine flowers  
I knew I'd remember that day in November as we felt alive again  
'Cause we found ourselves in the sea,  
Deep underwater we both found that we could still breathe  
So we spent the day submerged  
And we swam the evening away  
We swam the evening away  
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發表於 2010-8-22 04:13 PM|只看該作者
3.Steady As She Goes (昂然的她)
作曲:Adam Young   
Farewell, nightmares  
I am free  
Welcomes dreams of sweet dreams that settle over me  
What lies out there, no one knows  
The tide could bring in anything  
So steady as she goes  
Steady as she goes  
I can feel her as I lie awake  
But she's back home still waiting alone when morning breaks  
Post-war novels keep us alive  
And I know she'll be dying to see me when I arrive  
Hey dear sister, how are you?  
I've longed to see you ever since you made your stage debut  
We always knew you would be  
The most angelic actress this dramatic world would see  
And the critics do agree  
Several state lines keep us apart  
But don't lose sleep 'cause I'll always keep you in my heart  
Crashing white caps keep us alive  
And she knows I'll be dying to see her the next time I arrive  
What lies out there, no one knows  
The tide could bring in anything  
So steady as she goes  
Steady as she goes  
Steady as she goes  
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pinkfeoff 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-8-22 04:13 PM|只看該作者
2.Brielle (布莉兒)
作曲:Adam Young   
There's a hand written note pressed in the door of her screened-in porch  
And I am sailing away, recalling that day, miles from shore  
She was still wearing white and robin's egg blue; her grandmother's dress  
When I left early this year, how I wound up here is anyone's guess  
When the new sights grow old, and I start to feel cold, I'll sail home again  
Goodbye Brielle, only whispers can tell of the sweet dreams that we knew so well  
I'll see you around our dear ocean town  
The frozen days we set ablaze send me drifting away  
Like a butterfly, you floated by, and now you're alone  
I wish I knew when I'll be back again  
So until then, I wish you well  
My dear Brielle  
Strolling over the sand and cobblestone paths that wind through the trees  
Breathing the sweet forest air makes the bluebird aware that she could be free  
When the new sights grow old, and I start to feel cold, I'll sail home again  
Goodbye Brielle, only whispers can tell of the sweet dreams that we knew so well  
I'll see you around our dear ocean town  
The frozen days we set ablaze send me drifting away  
Like a butterfly, you floated by, and now you're alone  
I wish I knew when I'll be back again  
So until then, I wish you well  
So until then, I wish you well  
I love you my darling, farewell  
My dear Brielle  
My dear Brielle  
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pinkfeoff 該用戶已被刪除
發表於 2010-8-22 04:12 PM|只看該作者
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1.Captains Of The Sky (情天艦長)
作曲:Adam Young   
Mid-air, I woke up beneath the flight deck on a wallpaper airplane  
As you stared, I strap my helmet on and left your driveway behind  
Flutter all through the night  
And we can pull the clouds around  
This paper hanger skyline  
Summer smile again  
And you can disappear  
But I'd rather be here  
Dive bomb, we descended down the staircase  
and crashed to the kitchen floor  
So long, our flight of Downy dreams  
Preened our soft paper wings  
Flutter all through the night  
And we can pull the clouds around  
This paper hanger skyline  
Summer smile again  
And you can disappear  
But I'd rather be here  
Hello, down there  
The morning made of sailors in the air  
Keeping the midnight stars held high  
We are captains of the sky, waving goodbye  
Hello, down there  
The morning made of sailors in the air  
Keeping the midnight stars held high  
We are captains of the sky, waving goodbye  
Hello, down there  
The morning made of sailors in the air  
Keeping the midnight stars held high  
We are captains of the sky, waving goodbye  
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